Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Characteristic of HTML and Introduction of Client Server Architecture

Characteristics of HTML:-

1. It is easy to understand because it does not require any programming language to write the code.

2. It is platform independent that means it can be displayed on any platform like Windows, Linux, and BOSS etc.

3. It can run on any web browser (like Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer etc) that means it is not dependent on web browsers.

4. It provides flexibility to add audio, video, animation, 3D-picture for making our page more attractive.

5. It is not case sensitive that means if we write HTML and html it means same.

6. It is having some predefined tags by the help of that tags we make our web pages.

7. By the html we create only static web page (i.e. structure of web page) but by the programming language we create dynamic web page. 

 Use of HTML:-

Before starting to write code of mark up language we should know what is the need of HTML.Web browser (Client) is software which is responsible to run the content of WWW (World Wide Web). These content are pictures, audios, videos and web pages.

Web server is also computers which are responsible to keep our html pages. It gives response when it is asked by the web browser in the from HTML page. So it is the responsibility of Web browser to render the code of the HTML and show to the user. It is clear that Web browser play a very important role.

Image result for client server architecture

Font and Basefont tag of html in a very easy way.

Difference between font and basefont tag in html:- Font tag is a container tag. Basefont tag is empty tag. We can apply font tag in a ...